
Greta has a thing for Color!

Greta Randolph has been working at Mode Salon for several years now. She always greets her Clients with the biggest smile in Indy. We sat down with Greta to get her thoughts on what motivates her to do such great work:

Mode: Why did you decide to get into the Beauty Industry?

Greta: Growing up I always liked to try different things with my hair and makeup. My parents let me try different Colors like Red or Pink lowlights; blonde or brunette; short or long. I had it all! That “Spiked” my interest

Mode: So what do you like most about doing hair now?

Greta: I like doing hair because it makes people feel better. I enjoy putting people in a good mood and for a lot of women and men, getting their hair done is the answer for that!

Mode: What do you do in your downtime?

Greta: I enjoy spending time with my family; going to Cincinnati to visit my boyfriend and go out with my friends. I love Broadripple!

Mode: What would you like us to know that might surprise us?

Greta: I love to do “Boy Stuff”. My favorite activity is to go fishing with my Dad. And YES, I bait my own line and take the fish off! I also love water sports such as swimming, water skiing and tubing.

Mode: What beauty advice do you have?

Greta: Work with what you have and get to love that…and if you don’t like something, then do something to enhance your features like highlights, color or even hair extensions.

Greta does great skin care, facials and pedicures as well. You can catch her most days at Mode Salon.

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